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2024-04-15 08:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I know it's not. FPX and NAVI both got where they got last year because their strats and IGL-ing was good. But last year, Mistic and Enzo were SIGNIFICANTLY worse individually than anyone on FPX and yet FNC still beat them so many times (except the one time it mattered most...) and it was specifically because their strats were just that much better.

Here now, both NAVI and FPX got here because their stratting has been insane but also players have been individually insane. So even though, the players on NAVI are slightly better individually it is not that big of a difference. so stratting will be once again what really differentiates.

What you said, although true overall, you can't tell me that Shao swung the game on Ascent vs LEV (that was most definitely a swing round) it was because NAVI were just better strategically, it was simply because Shao outplayed them individually. You can most definitely win games through superior gameplay at key moments. Remember Mwzera's insane individual prowess vs FURIA where they won a round they shoulda never won, simply because Mwzera 1v4'd the entire FNC. That wasnt because FURIA was strategically better, it was because Mwzera did something individually insane.

I hope you understand what i mean. And sorry for the book i just wrote.






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